
Final Major Project Proposal


Final major project pitch - Liam Braithwaite from LiamBraithwaite1

Presenting my pitch I feel like I conveyed the necessary information, explaining my idea, how it will be presented and more. From my feedback I feel like the length of the opening sequence is currently too long and I feel that it will be more realistic to have the run time to be around 2 minutes and a half instead of 3-5 minutes. I would've aimed for a longer opening sequence if I didn't decide to create a podcast and a couple posters

A change in my idea - 26th April

As It has been mentioned a couple times, this amount of quantity I would have to create is possible however the quality will not be to the standard I want. For me to create a project that shows my skill and has the best quality I can produce. I was aiming to create an approximately 2 minute 30 second along with a 10 minute podcast and 2 print based posters. This amount of work may not be achievable so I am going to be making a change to a 30 second teaser trailer along with 2 posters and a longer running podcast. I have chosen to extend the podcast as I feel like I will be able to add more to it including interviews, and more sections such as movie news. For my movie concept I am going to have to create a title for this film so it can be featured in the end of the teaser trailer a thumbnail.

Putting My Idea Together

My idea now consisting of a podcast, posters and trailer is a marketing campaign for this film. To put this whole scheme into one place I believe the best option is to create a website that holds it all.  I will be creating my website in as it is the best software for a person like me to create a website as I don't have a lot of knowledge on coding and this program is very simple and will look very stylistic for my fictional film. This website will be for the promotion of the film so it will hold nothing that is to do with the story such as spoilers. The podcast therefore will have to be a non spoiler podcast and only give a review that is based off of a script.

House Styles

For all my products to fit in I need to have a house style that follows through them. This means creating a similar tone and reflecting the same mood in each product and not conflicting each other. My podcast will be conveying information so this means that it will not have to reflect the films tone as it sets itself aside from it. The posters, trailer and website have to paint this darker atmosphere.


My imagery will be quite personal in terms of this closeness of the camera to the subject. By doing this it creates a stronger bond between the audience and that subject. In terms of colouring it will be darker, with a colder temperature to promote this darker side of this rappers story. By painting my images in this black and white overlay it adds themes of mystery, death/violence related to this rapper. The mystery aspect to me allow the story of this rapper to unfold the more you see of him instead of having his background on show. This rags to riches story is usually very thorough in telling what happens to this upcoming person , however my posters and teaser trailer act as a taste to what he could possibly of been through


My font will be very stylised towards the riches aspect of the story and will create a juxtaposition with the image that shows this rapper at the rags part of his life. The golden colouring of the font plays well off of the black background and provides a shine of hope for this rapper.


For my music that I am going to be including in my teaser trailer, it will be in a sense inspirational in terms of a building beat and has aspects to it that seem like there's hope/a good outcome for this person. There will be no music in the podcast as it wouldn't feel appropriate to follow this music theme when the podcast is in theory not a part of the film at all due to it only being a 'review' of it.


  1. This is a good start Liam, you have clearly outlined your idea in a pitch and documented the initial changes you have made to it. Please revisit this page and ensure that you have uploaded your project proposal within the template from LEARN. Remember that in your project proposal you need to highlight the skills and knowledge you have gained from the formative projects. What you propose to produce in this project and how you plan to evaluate it.

    In addition, you need to revisit the action plan so that it evidences a scheme you plan to follow when creating your project.

    1. I'm still waiting to review your completed project proposal and action plan. Remember that the purpose of your proposal is to outline the intent of your project and to plan each week. This is something that will help you when you reflect on your project and if you meet your aims.

    2. I have completed the proposal and time plan.

  2. When you are discussing your intention to have a consistent house style throughout your media products, you may want to talk about what that style is and why you have chosen it? Then discuss how you will use media methods to communicate that style - fonts, colours, imagery, music?

  3. I have developed my idea on house styles.
