
Research into Film Print based media

For my Print based section of this project my aim is to create two posters, both will have the purpose of promoting the opening sequence. I will be doing research into other film posters which have the same purpose as mine. This means conducting research into framing, poster size and font styles etc. This will allow me to gain as much knowledge as I can on creating posters.


For movie posters they can go up to 24'' x 36''. As I am going to be creating two posters I believe 2 different sized posters is the best option. 24'' x 36'' is quite a large poster to create and it also means due to the size it means there will be less places that it can be placed whereas smaller posters are able to fit on boards easier. I believe that making a poster which is 18'' x 24'' and 16'' x 22''.
Image result for poster sizes


In Film posters the colour is key in promoting the tone of the film. The audience will react to your poster based from the colour.

Image result for how colour makes you feel chart

If you take this chart here you can see what certain colours convey and what they can mean. It's possible to use certain colours to focus the audiences attention to a certain part of the poster through selecting bolder colours like red or yellow. Colour juxtaposition is also possible through contrasting a bold colour object and a dull background, creating a confusion and the audience is disorientated. Take 'The Dark Knight' Film poster that features The Joker with his Purple Coat in contrast to the blackening blue city around him. It gives him a sense of purpose and importance to this city as he is the main subject. If we see a blackening blue city we will assume that is has an evil presence, and there is a mysterious aspect about it. The blue aspects of it could show the remaining peace in the city and its stability slowly being lost and taken over by this blackness as a result of The Joker. Without Knowing about The Joker and his context then from this image we can see that he is being unaffected from this city and its loss of colour. His significance in this shows his villainous aspects as he is very vague with his appearance and holds a weapon which is silver, standing out when put next to a purple coat.
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My use of colour in both the trailer and posters will share the same tone. This dark colour in terms of meaning will show mystery and I want my protagonist to have this unknown side to him so the audience don't feel that they know what his full dream is just from the teaser. Sure he wants to make it in this hip-hop cultured world but by exposing him this much then his background will lose meaning and not promote his motivation.

If we take a film poster and paint it with a different style of colouring then we are given a whole different message.
Image result for walle poster

In the Original Wall-E poster there is a large blue background. This conveys to the audience the sense of peace and stability. It is a very tranquil picture and it links with the character Wall-E as he seems very naive and timid. On the other hand when the poster is put into grayscale it flips the mood of the film poster. The black and white aspect suggests that there is a loss or possible death. The character Wall-E links with this colour as his eyes seem to be slanted looking possible sad. The black and white also strips all other colours from existing which means it is painting a darker theme.


In film posters the font plays a major role in the films tone as it can reflect the message of the overall poster with the shape of the characters and the effects upon it. The fonts can show to the audience if the setting is modern or not. In reflecting the setting of the film using font the title will have to be warped to suite the time of the film, possible adding blackening around the sides of characters to promote an older time take.
Image result for blade runner
In the Blade runner poster the font is very futuristic reflecting the films setting. The sharp and slick aspect of the characters with the added effects are created from the films basis. The line that runs through each character on each line could be a reflection of a blade running through each word. 

Example of a poster message :
Image result for venom film poster

 If you take the film poster for Venom you can see the font is interchanging between each character of the word. This could tie with the image of a half venom and a half Eddie Brock face, showing that there is a changing personality. In regards to the colouring of the poster there is a blue background on either side of the face however each side is a different shade of blue. This could show how a certain mood in the body of venom is stronger in comparison to the character Eddie Brock.
This poster has one main focus which is the face of Eddie Brock and it basis the framing of the poster from his face.

Rap Film Posters

As my idea is going off of the hip-hop rap culture I will look into how films that have this similar basis create posters to promote the film. A film that comes to mind is 'Straight Outta Compton'.

'1988, a groundbreaking new group revolutionises music and pop culture, changing and influencing hip-hop forever. N.W.A's first studio album, "Straight Outta Compton," stirs controversy with its brutally honest depiction of life in Southern Los Angeles. With guidance from veteran manager Jerry Heller, band members Ice Cube (O'Shea Jackson Jr.), Dr. Dre (Corey Hawkins), Eazy-E, DJ Yella and MC Ren navigate their way through the industry, acquiring fame, fortune and a place in history.' - Straight Outta Compton description

Image result for straight outta compton posterImage result for parental advisory
Firstly the colouring of the poster is in grayscale which could suggest that the film is set in a non current time. It may also paint this image of a mysterious group that are very confided into each other as they are in a tight walking group and show confidence in their stance. The large white background which the characters outshine in tone shows that they have significance in where they are. The large title clearly reflects the parental advisory explicit content image which appears on music covers that include explicit language. By using this common format among music we are given this clear message that the film will be very real in terms of this culture such as adult themes. This black and white block text fits in with the rest of the poster which has the same tone. The block that holds the text as well as the text has this black grit on it which could suggest that there are impurities in this group and everything they are dealing with isn't perfect. The target audience for this film will be young adults to adults as this theme has suggested that is contains strong themes and inappropriate topics for the younger audience.

The blackening poster is a similar film poster theme for films that follow upcoming rappers. Linking with the colour meaning it can show that there is loss and possible death in this film, or can create this darker tone. In my poster I will have a darkening effect on them as they give the poster and film in this case a different side to it. It will link with the theme of my overall marketing campaign. This similar clothing of black gives them feeling of suspiciousness as they are hidden to the outside world but want to influence the world with their music. This black clothing also doesn't contrast with the blackening background. If I use any characters or my protagonist in my poster I will have them wear clothes that tie with the background (blackened). The font of the text is quite blocky and gives it this sturdiness and boldness to it. It gives this text this aspect of strength and superiority.

Image result for 8 mile poster
Another rap film that shows the come up of rapper Eminem is '8 mile'. In the poster we have Eminem taking up the whole frame. This could mean to the audience that he confides in himself and is often lonely, or possibly a strong character on his own. When looking at the title it is coloured in a glowing gold colour. The colour gold is often assumed to winning or talent, showing here that his rapping capabilities are above others and he is attempting to compete. The subtext 'every moment is a chance to turn it around' conveys to us that this character being presented to us has his obstacles and he is in search for his breakthrough into this world. The target audience for this would be young adults to adult range. The reason for this is the context of this film will be hard to grasp for the older people as they did not grow up during this time of culture. The poster is very blackening showing that the underlying themes will be dark and this may not be appropriate for the younger generation and they will not understand this film as much as they need to. 

I take a lot of inspiration from the 8 mile poster and I believe I will be using aspects like the font colour and framing in possibly one of my posters. This bright orange, golden colour really shows that there is a contrast from the background and provides this motivation to succeed. I believe this Technique is very useful and I will use this colouring in my poster(s) to create this sense of purpose.

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The use of black and white is very strong and you can use a bold colour to make the image stand out and grab the attention of others. A gold or red really pops on a black and white background as they also have more connotations than other colours. This mystery created from the poster is all put together through the text graphic. We understand that the title is the name of a Tupac song and the person in the poster resembles him.


For my moving image piece I am going to be creating a 30 second teaser trailer for a film that I have created the concept. This has spurred from changing creating an opening sequence to a trailer. I feel like  a trailer will now work better in terms of advertising this film and this will work as another addition to the promotion of this film. I will be watching and analysing trailers from 'Straight Outta Compton' and more.

Straight Outta Compton

Straight Outta Compton Trailer follows this story of building up this group and showing them pitting against those who don't want them to succeed. This theme is very violent and aggressive. It shows how these characters are trying to make it in life and progress in their careers but due to their appearance and background are viewed in a different way.

To begin with the trailer introduces us to these characters that seem very confided in their own group and shows us that trust may be hard to gain from others. This suggests that each rapper will stick to their roots and not change for people they don't know as well as each other. As this conveys to the audience that they are gang related culture group they may do illegal acts and creates this divide between them as a group and deemed 'normal' social expectations that people around them follow. We are clearly following the journey of these rappers so we tend to become emotionally connected to them as an audience and begin to disregard their illegal actions that do not have major impacts. This emotional connection is vital so the audience is able to relate to the characters otherwise we begin to differentiate ourselves from them even though they are who we are following through the story and who we should be rooting for.
Image result for straight outta compton
The Target audience: due to the use of drugs and weapons in reference and use it automatically makes it too inappropriate for young children and young teens as this concept to them is unknown and too graphic for them. It has political issues regarding the treating of other races and this concept will be hard to grasp for those who are not educated in this. The target audience I believe that they are aiming for is 18-50 as NWA as a group have been active since 1986 so the older viewers will relate to the times when they listened to their music. Also the late teens will relate to the culture as they are educated and know what these characters are facing. 

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My idea is to create a ten minute podcast that acts as a review to 'film' but also paints an advertisement type side to it. I will conduct research into podcasts , more specifically podcasts that talk about film. This will allow me to grasp a layout of the podcast and the necessary components for what makes it a podcast. A podcast I'm going to be analysing is 'The Empire podcast'. This podcast dives into the movie news that happens recently around the time of the podcast release. If you view through the collection of podcasts there is a range of different podcasts they provide. These range from Spoiler specials to trailer breakdowns. As 'The Empire' is such a large company the podcasters have the ability to interview a lot of actors that appear in the latest films for example recently including an interview with Zachary Levi who plays Shazam in 'SHAZAM!'. As there is so much they usually cut the podcast into different sections. These section will usually include; Movie news, interviews with actors, Weekly film reviews  (non-spoiler and spoiler), film related chat, answering questions that have been sent it from the public. There are multiple pod-casters for The empire Podcast, possibly up to four. This range of people means that there are several opinions and theories about the latest films. It also allows for a comedic ability as the podcasters can play off of what each of them say. The use of more podcasters also means that the audience aren't hearing the same voice that may get repetitive and cause this tedious hour long talk. This is why there are several different sections as well as one section may not cater to all of the audience only a certain collection of it so by varying the podcast it gives a less repetitive feel and they grow a larger audience. 

The target audience for listeners will be ranging from 18-50. This range is rather large as the range of subject matters that the podcasters talk about. This means that some things the audience hear they may not be able to relate to as they are a different generation. Also there is explicit language often so this would mean the younger audience will not be provided for in this podcast. Even though they speak on all the latest films including kids film but the type of language they use will not be understood by the youth as they veer into the technical aspects of the film. The age of the podcasters is around the age of 40-50 so the films that they reference may not be understood by the audience as they may of seen the films they reference due to the release date of the films. This audience also must be interested in film and find it either an occupation based around it or a big hobby. This audience is quite large when you think of the size of the industry and the podcast succeeds in what it aims to do.

They have intro and outro music which is the same, it introduces the podcast and closes it. It is very fast and action like music. It gives you this fast transition to the begging of the podcasters talking and they connect with the music as the first thing they say is them echoing the final sound of the music. I have been influenced by the use of an intro and outro to a podcast. I will include one on my podcast as it gives the podcast a start and makes it clear when you are starting and finishing this listen. In my podcast I think I will include a section which has me interviewing the main protagonist of my 'film' as well as including movie news relevant to the time of making the podcast. 

Analysis of Podcast that aired 13th April 2019 called 'Star Wars: The Rise Of  Sky walker Teaser Trailer Breakdown Special'. In this episode it serves one purpose, that being to discuss the newest star wars trailer and using there knowledge on the films background and the clips given to them form theories, ideas, possible endings to the saga. I Believe taking influence from an episode like this allows me to understand how they format a podcast when they are focusing on one film with not a lot to work with. Wish this podcast the target audience is narrowed down as the podcasters provide for the star wars fans and community. This means the references they say will be tailored to this universe of star wars.

Layout of the podcast:


It begins with an intro of each of the podcasters along with them currently stating where they are in terms of location. This is because one of the podcasters is at a star wars event. With having this company the podcasters have the ability to visit these events and are able to report it back to the podcast. I think this will be a nice addition in my podcast if I had one of my podcasters in a different location to the other such like one was attending an event for that film. It will add this different side to the podcast as it gives this sense of being quite big in terms of podcast experience and size of the podcast.


In this section of the podcast we receive as an audience what the title provides and we are given what was promised. The title has to be enticing yet explicit in terms of what the podcast entails otherwise there target audience will not be able to see that this is shown.


Latest movie news is talked about and usually public questions that have been sent in are answered. It will be wrapped up after the podcasters have signed off.


For my website I am going to create a promotional scheme for this fictional theme I am creating. It will have a few section including; actor and director description, film release date, posters, teaser, release date, social media, etc. To understand how a website should be structured I will conduct research into other websites that serve the same purpose.

This website holds the key purpose of promoting the film Avengers: Endgame. The sub genres of the website are; videos, Characters, Comics, Movies, TV shows, Games, News, More.

Each of these sub genres have a drop down with different parts of the sub genre. For example When hovering over the videos section we see an array of trailers, press videos and more. In the main page there is a slideshow that includes the latest news about the company. In my website I believe using a slideshow may not be as helpful as I will have not a lot of content to fill these sections. In the movie section when clicking on Avengers Endgame movie we are given a lot of posters, trailers and red carpet photos. This area acts as a gallery to the film in terms of marketing. In my website I am going to include this gallery section but it will be more suitable If the posters and trailer and podcast are split into different sub genres.

The issue with film websites is they are not commonly used by the audience of that film. They may be used to gain information, however it is usually social media that provides us with the knowledge. For my website that I am creating, I will ensure that there isn't an overloaded amount of information and it is quite simple and holds a purpose that the other media pieces do not rely on.

The straight Outta Compton website resonates with my genre a lot more than that of avengers: Endgame. In the Straight Outta Compton website it appears to show a short video in the background. I believe this idea works very well as it doesn't give too much information however it gives you the basis to this website and holds it together.

Film names

Film names are always resembling of the movies narrative, either can reflect a character,a film outcome, or possibly the plot in a brief phrase or word. For my film it will be the basis of a rapper who struggles in making it in the world of hip-hop culture. He has the ambition but is held back by those around him. I'm going to list different possible options that would be suitable for my fictional film;

Always one - This title would signify that there is that one person who hasn't been given the perfect upbringing and have to fight as much as they can to make it. It shows that there's others like him as the always conveys that it has been done before

One in a million - This title is very similar however it gives the story this very explicit narrative described in a phrase. Also the one in a million isn't very clear in terms of what the person is attempting from the title.

Riches - This titles is a play on the term 'Rags to Riches' Instead of using this cliche term, just using the word riches works better as what this film would show it a person who is that the bottom and juxtaposes the title.

Breakthrough Studio - This title relates for to the posters and is more reflective of the film in terms of him using only one studio to break through. His goal is all set in one studio where he releases his emotions. The issue with this is that it may convey to others that this studio has been used by other artists and the title sounds like it would suite a documentary better.

The title Riches is the best in terms of providing a word of a well known phrase, and gives an insight to the story before you are aware of it yet.

Facial expressions and what they portray

With close ups and medium close up shots facial expressions are key in the audience understanding how a character feels without them explicitly telling them. My source linked here( shows a range of facial expressions and gestures that indicated emotion. For example the picture below shows how a slight change in the lips movement may indicate whether there is an issue or not. In 

Body Language - Mouth



Pinterest (2019). Poster sizes. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Pinterest (2019). How colours make you feel. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019]. (2019). [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Amazon (2019). Wall-E Movie Poster 24in x36in. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Imdb (2019). Blade Runner 2049. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Amazon (2019). VENOM (2018) Original Authentic Movie Poster 27x40 - Double - Sided - Tom Hardy - Riz Ahmed - Michelle Williams - Jenny Slate. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Amazon (2019). Straight Outta Compton - Movie Poster 24 x 36" Inches , Glossy Finish (Thick): Dr Dre, Eazy-E, Ice Cube. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Wikipedia (2019). Parental Advisory. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

© 2017 Morgan Creek Productions, Inc. Motion Picture Artwork. Summit Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved. (2019). All Eyez On Me. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Straight Outta Compton Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Ice Cube, Dr. Dre Movie HD. (2019). [video] Movieclips Trailers.

Rolling stone (2019). Straight Outta Compton. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Empire (2019). Shazam! Spoiler Special ft. David F. Sandberg and Peter Safran. [podcast] The Empire Film Podcast. Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Marvel Entertainment. (2019). Avengers: Endgame (Movie, 2019) | Release Date, Tickets, Trailers, Posters. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Cherry, K. (2019). How to Read Body Language and Facial Expressions. [online] Verywell Mind. Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].

Universal (2019). 8 MILE. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].


  1. You have conducted some effective research but it can be developed more. You’ve researched into media products similar to your idea such as films about hip-hop groups and famous artists. To push this further, you may want to identify the conventions of these films and discuss how you will use them within your trailer?

    Remember that you are required to gather information from a range of sources and use thus information to inform and develop your idea. You will also need to evidence these sources in a bibliography.

    For example, you may want to conduct some primary research by holding a focus group or questionnaire helping you gain information about your film title? I’d like to see the results of this and you analyse this data.

  2. You have analysed a significant amount of already existing posters in order to get a better understanding of what should be included in your own work. I feel what you coulee done to improve your knowledge is mention about the compositions, frame work and maybe facial expressions and emotions.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. There is good developed research here Liam, you have analysed a range research sources and discussed elements that you plan to mirror in your own project. An opportunity that has been missed however, is to reference all these sources in a bibliography.

    Revisit all the sources you have used and present them in a bibliography using the Harvard system, refer to your notes on the session we did on referencing, or use the website -

    Similar to my earlier comment, there is still no primary research. Now would be a great opportunity to conduct some, consider showing your completed website to a sample of your TA and have them fill out a survey/questionnaire. This will help you highlight elements that have been successful and others that might need developing further.

  5. Your research is great! You've conducted in-depth analysis into existing media products (particularly print based ones) and it is clear how these have influenced your own project. As Justin stated, it would be good to see your sources cited in a bibliography.
