

Ideation- Research – Planning –
Production - Evaluation
Specific – Measurable – Achievable –
Realistic – Timely
What went well? - What didn’t go well? - Why?
Unit 8

Do 500 words of research into print based media in 2 hours

I was able to successfully complete this target as it was very achievable.
Unit 8

Do multiple planning documents ready for recording in an hour

I was able to finish a few risk assessments and location recce forms. If I gave myself a larger time period, It would've been possible to do more production documents.
Unit 8
Have some production on my posters from test shoot

I was able to create effects using Photoshop and Light room to adapt a vertical image test shot. 
Unit 8

Form a suitable script for my whole podcast in 2 hours

 I was able to create my script, I believe I gave myself too much time however it allowed me to work on other parts of the project.

Poster 1

I had a shoot for my horizontal poster. After multiple shots I decided that the one above doesn't give my subject as much meaning  as his face doesn't show much intent.

After shooting again I was able to capture this image that captures my subject very well. He has clear emotion in his face and the framing is very good as I can develop around his head in the frame.  

In the development of the poster I have added a blur to the background around my subject. It sets him apart from the background so he doesn't blend with it and the background isn't distracting. When putting this image into the poster size It appears that it doesn't fully fit. To counter these white bars I am going to have to add another image that can fill either both white blocks or a large white block.

Looking at music related poster the documentary 'Score' has a very nice range of features in terms of poster conventions as well as images. The use of a mixer desk is very fitting and is appropriately placed at the bottom of the poster with the credit block. I believe in my poster I will use a mixer desk as my second image as will take up the space and I will be able to implement my credit block and company logo's onto it.

here is a plan for my poster. I have outlines the different areas of the poster and what might go where in the poster.

Poster 2

After having a test shoot with my subject, I produced a few pictures and attempted to adapt them into a poster.

I added some text to the image to see how the vertical poster would look. After seeing how the image blackens too much I implemented it into Adobe Light room.

Here is my attempt at the recolouring of the image. I decided to use a lower temperature so It gave the effect of a more darker mood and atmosphere.
These images above in my opinion do not capture my subject very well however as they do not show the eyes of my character. It creates this effect that the audience aren't able to connect as much with the character.


The best idea is to have a shot where, because the poster is vertical it is possible to get a full shot of the characters body. As I am able to capture his movement it means I can show more expression through his actions.

The issue with the image above is that my subject is being covered by shrub which ruins the framing of the shot.

With this image above the issue is that it is at an angle that sees the subject not going straight past the camera.

The shot above is the one that I am going to carry production on. The image allows me to fit all poster features around the subject.

Before the production of the poster I have created this layout design that the text and all features of the poster. The framing of this is to allow me to fit all necessary features of posters like credit blocks and reviews. 

Production documents (storyboard, Location recce forms, Risk assessment forms)

The story board was made for the teaser trailer. 

June 14th (updated) - the storyboard contrasts to my final production as I found that when I filmed the desired shots, some didn't seem to be appropriate in terms of linking with the film of the film.

Above is the location recce form for the 505 interconnect bus
The Risk assessment to the 505 interconnect bus

The location recce form for recording at my house

The risk assessment for recording at my house

The location recce for the recording at the sound booth

Risk assessment form for the sound booth recording

above shows my script for the start of the Cinema In n Outs podcast.

Above shows the scripting of the interview with Kieran Filby who will be playing Bobby in the film.
Above is the script for the movie news section for the podcast. 

I learned about this news through the Empire website.


  1. I like how you decided to change the image you are using for your poster. It shows you are thinking in depth about what would be best. I feel you should have added a few screenshots of you experimenting with different tool to show what processes you went through.

  2. There is evidence of consistent planning here Liam, you have shown the development of your poster idea and discussed your creative choices. To develop this further, i would like to see a link between how you have presented your poster and how that was influenced by your research into similar posters. For example, your choice of subject, placement of text, use of colours.

    In a similar manner, i would like to see some pre-visualisation of your visual products, for example a storyboard for your teaser trailer or a layout designs for your website.

    1. To improve this page, please revisit the comment above. With each versions of your poster what have you developed and why?

  3. The planning for your podcast and poster is extremely thorough and effectively conveys how your idea has developed. There's evidence of you experimenting with software and composition before creating your final product. There could be some more planning here for your trailer (storyboards, shot lists). Also, it's great to see you tracking your targets, just ensure you update these with reflections to explain the benefits of the activity to your project.
