
This page presents all my advances in production stages. Also at the bottom of the page holds my finished Production pieces.


For the production of my posters I began taking pictures and put one of them into Photoshop. At this point I am currently at an idea of a film concept name. This will be key as I will need it as a stamp for the whole advertising scheme. The name that I am going to select is Riches. This will be stamped on the website and the trailer and the podcast will hold this in its title.

Here is my design before I have faded my images and added the billing information.

For my shooting for my second I took quite a few photos as I had to make sure that my framing was correct.

Here are photos I took that didn't fit the framing in which I wanted
Take this photo, My subject is too far to the left when I took the photo. The subject is meant to be directly in the middle. 
This photo would've worked better however I didn't leave enough space at the bottom of the frame meaning that the billing info and title wouldn't fit. When I considered this I was able to take a photo that fits what I wanted. 

This picture works the best as there is a lot of room below my subject and I have left space at the top for the addition of actor names or another images if necessary. I will now begin developing this image to serve the purpose as a poster. I will develop this is Adobe Lightroom is it seems suitable.


For the further development of my trailer I will have to use added SFX from other sources. These sounds will be free and non copyright to use.

Here is a rough edit of my teaser trailer. I am yet to finish developing all the graphics and I may need to re-shoot or add another shot. Also more sounds need to be refined, and added audio from other sources is yet to be added. I am going to begin designing the final graphic for the trailer.

In the trailer for the new Terminator film there is a credit block that appears at the end. I am going to use this as a template for my credit block.

shown above in the bottom left is the organising of bins to keep all my different file types and scenes in an easy to find convenient place. I have learnt this method back in the first units. Here I am still using this technique to keep my files in a place where I can find them easily.

Poster production

The title here will be changed into a different design as well as changing the title of 'Kieran filby stars in' as the font, colour and phrase doesn't really suite it. I am trying to use it as an example of framing of where each part of this poster will go.

this template here is what I used to help me create my credit block section.

I am going to add an effect where my subject is in colour however the background is black and white. The reason


My attempt at creating my podcast interview went very successful however I found that I recorded it only in the left channel. Fortunately, using an effect provided by Adobe Audition I was able to correct this.

By using the effect of the right channel mix then it means that I am able to close the audio in the right channel. I have recorded all the sections for my podcast and can now begin editing it and creating a podcast that suites its purpose.

For my podcast I will need to create a simple thumbnail for it so it is rememberable and it then reinforces the idea that the podcast is professional. The average size for these images are 1400 x 1400 (pixels) or 3000 x 3000 (pixels). The size I am going to go with is 1400 x 1400. I am going to display this image when I implement it on my website. It will featured along with the podcast.

creating a podcast image;

this process was short as I didn't plan the creation of this in time. 'The Rewatchables,' 'Unspooled'
The examples of movie podcasts usually follow this use of film tape to put the text on so I am going to uses this in my image. My design will be simplistic as if I spend a lot of time and resources on this image then it doesn't leave me with a lot of time for the other sections of my project.

I created this for my podcast 'company'.

Website Production

When using to create my website it meant that I am able to use many of the the functions provided by the website itself, with a lot of helpful features. For example, in the website there is an app market where you can apply add-ons to your website. In my case I added sound cloud as it allowed me promote my podcast through another 

Above is me uploading my podcast to Sound cloud so it is possible to listen to through the Wix add on.

additions to my website after viewing the straight outta compton website.

The website includes this box set showing the film in its blue-ray form, so I have decided to create a blue-ray dvd for my film.

Production - Junes 4th finished


upload of trailer -



Due to the podcasts file size I will be uploading it as a YouTube video and it can be listened to with this link:

website blue-ray cover


  1. Now is the time to organise and schedule the next 2 weeks! Be mindful to create SMART targets for this time to achieve all of your media goals e.g. poster (lightroom, layers in Ps), trailer shoot... today before 4pm

  2. There are some really good test posters here Liam, I can clearly see how you have interpreted your research. One thing to consider is the placement of your text in the first image, I feel that your reviews are little too cramp. Look at other films posters and see where they typically place them?

  3. This is so good! You've clearly documented the process of creating your products and how you have overcome any encountered issues (such as with composition and only recording the audio in one channel). Your final posters look great, and you use sound very effectively in your trailer. The podcast was engaging and the conversation flowed very naturally, though you could consider adding some music (jingles or bed music) to enhance it if you felt this would fit with what you are trying to achieve. I think it would benefit you to gather some feedback from your target audience about what you have created through focus groups or questionnaires.
